The need for more sustainable events

Sustainability – a word that echoes through the hallways of innovation and reflects off the surfaces of modern business practice – is no longer a mere trend. It is an imperative, a cultural reset steered by growing environmental concerns and societal demands. Within the bustling world of event marketing, the call for sustainability rings loud and clear. Companies, now more than ever, are implementing measures to ensure their events run on the principles of eco-friendliness and social responsibility.
The harsh reality is that events can be incredibly wasteful. But they don’t have to be. The transition to sustainability within the event industry represents a crucial pivot point for both the stakeholders involved and the planet. Below, we share why this transformation isn’t just preferable or beneficial but essential.

The Imperative of Sustainable Events

Events have had a history of excess and environmental neglect. Social impact has breached the confines of optional corporate strategy and rooted itself as an expectation from consumers and attendees. Events are not mere gatherings; they are statements of brand values, community connection and windows into a company’s essence. The audiences of today are informed, concerned and invested in the sustainability efforts of the brands they support. They demand transparency and action.
The risks associated with non-sustainable events are multifold. There’s a reputational gamble—events act as microcosms of brand personality and thus can invite intense scrutiny. Regulatory risks also loom, particularly in regions like California, where environmental laws are continually evolving.
Yet, the flip side of risk is reward. A deep commitment to social impact can significantly bolster the influence of an event, enhancing brand perception and trust.

Practical Steps Toward Sustainability

Raised awareness marks just the beginning of a journey toward meaningful action. To navigate this journey effectively, we have a comprehensive road map for clients, delineating strategic initiatives that address critical areas of impact. This road map is structured around five primary initiatives, each targeting pivotal aspects of environmental and operational efficiency. These include:
Venue Energy Usage: Focus on optimising energy consumption and sourcing renewable energy to power event venues. This aims to reduce the carbon footprint associated with venue operations, implementing energy-efficient lighting, heating, cooling and other systems to ensure events are as green as possible.
Food and Food Waste Management: Tackle the dual challenges of sustainable food sourcing and minimising food waste. Strategies here involve selecting local and sustainable food suppliers, encouraging plant-based menu options, and implementing comprehensive food waste reduction and composting programs to divert waste from landfills.
Logistics: Concentrate on streamlining event logistics to minimise environmental impacts. This involves optimising transportation routes, encouraging the use of electric or low-emission vehicles for freight and personnel transport, and reducing materials sent to landfills through recycling and reuse practices.
Smart Production and Waste Management: This initiative is dedicated to the innovative use of technology and materials in event production to reduce waste. It focuses on digital solutions to minimise the use of physical resources and employs strategies for recycling and reusing materials post-event.
Travel and Accommodation: Address the environmental impact of attendee travel and accommodation. Strategies include promoting the use of public transportation, biking and walking, and partnering with eco-friendly accommodations.
Supporting these five primary initiatives are three cross-functional initiatives, essential for the coordination and amplification of the initiative’s impact. These are:
Measurement: Essential for tracking progress.
Carbon Offsetting: Recognises that not all emissions can be eliminated.
Reporting: Transparency is key to accountability and engagement.

We emphasise that assessing the event’s outcomes is as crucial as establishing initial KPIs and objectives. Mirroring the way a PR company measures media impressions or a digital agency tracks marketing qualified leads, we conduct a comprehensive analysis of various data points to produce a proprietary quantifiable metric. However, I encourage any company to find KPIs that help benchmark the effectiveness and environmental footprint of one event against another, as well as against industry standards. Integrating measurement and metrics into your planning and reporting processes not only highlights the tangible benefits of sustainable event management but also establishes a new standard for accountability and efficiency within the industry.

Join The Sustainable Event Movement

In the name of preserving our planet and ensuring the longevity of impactful, in-person experiences, the call for a systematic shift in event planning and execution is louder and more critical than it has ever been. Sustainability for events means protecting our environment, fostering a healthy and inclusive society, and promoting a prosperous economy.
The future of events lies in the capable hands of innovation, determination and collective action. Join us in the movement toward more sustainable events. Step forward with conviction toward a vision where the vibrancy of human connection at events is matched only by the responsibility we carry for our environment. Together, we can transform the way the world experiences events – one sustainable choice at a time.

Author: Jordan Kaye

Source: This article originally appeared on Forbes

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